Clyde Terry
Clyde Terry’s specialty is transforming the lives of men and women returning home from prison and gang members who are looking to break the cycle of despair and violence.
Sergeant Terry is a retired 25-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and former U.S. Marine. In 2003, he took a leave of absence from the Sheriff’s Department to assist the U.S. State Department as an International Police Advisor in their rebuilding efforts in Iraq. The experience changed his life. Soon after his return to Los Angeles, he began working directly with ex-prisoners, gang members and homeless youth to transform their outlook and their lives.
Starting the Emerging Leaders Academy
In 2009, Sergeant Terry was asked to lead the Sheriff Department’s Emerging Leaders Academy. 77% of graduates to the program have remained out of jail and have successfully reintegrated into society; only 23% of the participants, that is (probationers, gang members and parolees newly released from prison), have failed to remain crime-free. Many have returned to school to obtain their high school diplomas or GED’s and enrolled in college.
Sergeant Terry is a true role model for the Emerging Leaders Academy participants. A humble hero known for his integrity and commitment to a larger purpose, he is helping create a better world that works for everyone.
Thoughts become things – choose the good ones! — Clyde Terry